Our pleasure!
Comprehensive service is part of good business. For us and our customers.
Even the best devices and pumps in surface technology and material handling have a defect at some time. We offer our customers comprehensive repair service. Processing is completed after approval of the detailed cost estimate. Regardless of the brand, either on site at your facility or in our plant. This applies to all typical market paint and glue systems.
As part of individually concluded maintenance agreements you can reach our service department around the clock. In particular, this affects the maintenance of complete systems. In addition we offer customer trainings in theory and practice. As well as presentations as guest lecturers at material manufacturers. Experimental procedures for material comparison and site supervision during installation or retrofitting of systems for surface technology also belong to our portfolio of services.
The provision of device solutions for suitability tests are part of our services. In addition you can have your devices professionally maintained and repaired with us.