Finishing includes the various process steps of painting, or coating through to the completed surface. For example, in vehicle painting these can include the filler, the primer, the top coat and the clear coat.

The different spraying devices in our product range are used in various industries. These include, in particular, metal finishing, woodworking mechanical engineering and vehicle construction and corrosion protection. Included in our delivery programme are, among others, compressed air membrane pumps – spraying equipment, piston pumps spraying equipment, air -supported airless spraying equipment as well as HVLP-turbine devices (HighVolumeLowPressure).
1K Paint spraying equipment
- Different designs
- Robust construction
- Ease of use
- Rapid colour changes
- High-quality finishing

Applications and requirements
High pressure
- Airless/Airless-air-supported
- Piston pumps
- Bellows pump
- large area output
- high material viscosity
Low pressure
- Air atomising
- Double membrane pumps
- Compressed air container
- Fine spraying pattern
- Very good surface quality
- Varnish application adjustable
- High pressure + low pressure
- Paint savings
- Time savings
- Cost reduction
- Fine spraying pattern
Examples of applications:
- Vehicle construction
- Furniture industry
- Mechanical engineering
- Plastic industry
- Agricultural machinery
- Rolling stock
- Shipbuilding

Range of products
Our portfolio for application in the automobile industry including the following product lines:

Mobile Spritzgeräte




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Giving advice
We will gladly give you advice per phone concerning our product and sector-specific solutions.
Call us on
+49 (0)2129 349-0

Find out more
Download our product and industry solutions brochure with the following link.
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